cover image: Toward Army 2040


Toward Army 2040

1 May 2014

As defence minister, Claxton unified the separate service ministries into the DND; revamped the National Defence Act; established the office of Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee—the first step toward a single Chief of Defence Staff; the Defence Research Board; and led defence policy through the great defence rebuilding program of the 1950s, the Korean War, the formation of NATO, and the deployme. [...] Indeed, the entwined nature of socio-technological change … is in large part responsible for the evolution of such basic parameters of the human condition as the size of the world population, life expectancy, education levels, material standards of living, the nature of work, com- munication, health care, war, and the effects of human activities on the natural environment. [...] The challenges include the growing potential for the militarization of space, increasing reliance on the information network and the threat of cyber-attack, criminal enterprise as a danger to the fabric of societies, and the collective psychological impact of ideological extremism. [...] So too, will the lack of good governance in many nations, and the sense of injustice and grievance generated from the material imbalances which will continue to exist between the “haves” and “have-nots” of the world. [...] In particular, the quickening pace of globalization, 46 Peter Gizewski and Regan Reshke the exponential growth of scientific and technological innovation and human interaction with the physical environment are creating forces that have added immeasurably to the interconnectedness of the international system and its complexities.
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