- Bibliography, etc. Note
- Includes bibliographical references and index
- Control Number Identifier
- Dewey Decimal Classification Number
- 597.092/97123
- Dewey Decimal Edition Number
- 20
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- Geographic Area Code
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- 0888642350 9781459304383
- QL626.5.A4
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Table of Contents
- Contents 6
- Preface 12
- Acknowledgments 16
- Introduction 20
- I: Alberta's Fishes 28
- 1 Fishing in Alberta 30
- 1.1 The Milk River System 32
- 1.2 The South Saskatchewan River System 32
- 1.3 The North Saskatchewan River System 35
- 1.4 The Athabasca River System 37
- 1.5 The Beaver River System 39
- 1.6 The Peace River System 40
- 1.7 The Precambrian Shield Waters 42
- 2 Fish Management in Alberta 44
- 2.1 Management Practices 45
- 2.2 History of Fish Culture in Alberta 48
- 2.3 Trout Farming 54
- 3 Fish Ecology 56
- 3.1 Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen 57
- 3.2 Types of Lakes 61
- 3.3 Rivers and Streams 63
- 3.4 Productivity of Lakes and Streams 70
- 3.5 General Biology of Alberta Fish 70
- 4 Post-Glacial Origin of Our Fish Fauna 74
- 4.1 Glaciation in Alberta 75
- 4.2 Refugia and Dispersal Routes 76
- 5 The Species Concept, Classification, and Checklist 84
- 5.1 Species 84
- 5.2 Isolating Mechanisms 85
- 5.3 Hybridization 86
- 5.4 Genera and the Common and Scientific Name 87
- 5.5 Families and Classification 91
- 5.6 Checklist of Alberta Fishes 92
- 6 Fish Species in Alberta, Evolution, and Fossils 96
- 6.1 Numbers of Species and Families 96
- 6.2 Evolution of Alberta Fish Families and Fossils 98
- 7 Maps, Keys, and Definitions 102
- 7.1 Distribution Maps 102
- 7.2 How to Use the Keys 103
- 7.3 Definitions of Fish Characteristics 104
- II: The Fish Families of Alberta 112
- 8 Key to the 15 Families of Fishes of Alberta 114
- 9 Lamprey Family—Petromyzontidae 120
- 9.1 Arctic lamprey—Lampetra japonica (Martens) 122
- 10 Sturgeon Family—Acipenseridae 124
- 10.1 Lake sturgeon—Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque 126
- 11 Mooneye Family—Hiodontidae 130
- Key to the 2 Species 132
- 11.1 Goldeye—Hiodon alosoides (Rafinesque) 133
- 11.2 Mooneye—Hiodon tergisus Lesueur 138
- 12 Minnow Family—Cyprinidae 142
- Key to the 14 Species 145
- 12.1 Lake chub—Couesius plumbeus (Agassiz) 151
- 12.2 Western silvery minnow—Hybognathus argyritis Girard 155
- 12.3 Brassy minnow—Hybognathus hankinsoni Hubbs 159
- 12.4 Pearl dace—Margariscus margarita (Cope) 163
- 12.5 Emerald shiner—Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 167
- 12.6 River shiner—Notropis blennius (Girard) 171
- 12.7 Spottail shiner—Notropis hudsonius (Clinton) 174
- 12.8 Northern redbelly dace—Phoxinus eos (Cope) 178
- 12.9 Finescale dace—Phoxinus neogaeus Cope 182
- 12.10 Fathead minnow—Pimephales promelas Rafinesque 186
- 12.11 Flathead chub—Platygobio gracilis (Richardson) 190
- 12.12 Northern squawfish—Ptychocheilus oregonensis (Richardson) 194
- 12.13 Longnose dace—Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes) 197
- 12.14 Redside shiner—Richardsonius balteatus (Richardson) 202
- 13 Sucker Family—Catostomidae 206
- Key to the 7 Species 208
- 13.1 Quillback—Carpiodes cyprinus (Lesueur) 212
- 13.2 Longnose sucker—Catostomus catostomus (Forster) 216
- 13.3 White sucker—Catostomus commersoni (Lacepède) 220
- 13.4 Largescale sucker—Catostomus macrocheilus Girard 224
- 13.5 Mountain sucker—Catostomus platyrhynchus (Cope) 227
- 13.6 Silver redhorse—Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque) 231
- 13.7 Shorthead redhorse—Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur) 234
- 14 Bullhead Catfish Family—Ictaluridae 238
- 14.1 Stonecat—Noturus flavus Rafinesque 240
- 15 Pike Family—Esocidae 244
- 15.1 Northern pike—Esox lucius Linnaeus 245
- 16 Trout Family— Salmonidae 250
- Key to the 15 Species 251
- 16.1 Cisco—Coregonus artedi Lesueur 258
- 16.2 Shortjaw cisco—Coregonus zenithicus (Jordan and Evermann) 262
- 16.3 Lake whitefish—Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill) 264
- 16.4 Pygmy whitefish—Prosopium coulteri (Eigenmann and Eigenmann) 270
- 16.5 Round whitefish—Prosopium cylindraceum (Pallas) 273
- 16.6 Mountain whitefish—Prosopium williamsoni (Girard) 275
- 16.7 Arctic grayling— Thymallus arcticus (Pallas) 280
- 16.8 Cutthroat trout—Oncorhynchus clarki (Richardson) 284
- 16.9 Rainbow trout—Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) 290
- 16.10 Golden trout—Oncorhynchus aguabonita (Jordan) 299
- 16.11 Brown trout—Salmo trutta Linnaeus 301
- 16.12 Bull trout—Salvelinus confluentus (Suckley) 306
- 16.13 Northern Dolly Varden—Salvelinus malma malma (Walbaum) 311
- 16.14 Brook trout—Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill) 314
- 16.15 Lake trout—Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum) 318
- 17 Trout-perch Family—Percopsidae 324
- 17.1 Trout-perch—Percopsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum) 325
- 18 Cod Family—Gadidae 330
- 18.1 Burbot—Lota lota (Linnaeus) 331
- 19 Livebearer Family—Poeciliidae 336
- Key to the 2 Species 337
- 19.1 Western mosquitofish—Gambusia affinis (Baird and Girard) 338
- 19.2 Sailfin molly—Poecilia latipinna (Lesueur) 341
- 20 Stickleback Family—Gasterosteidae 344
- Key to the 3 Species 345
- 20.1 Brook stickleback—Culaea inconstans (Kirtland) 346
- 20.2 Ninespine stickleback—Pungitius pungitius (Linnaeus) 351
- 20.3 Threespine stickleback—Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus 355
- 21 Sculpin Family—Cottidae 358
- Key to the 4 Species 359
- 21.1 Slimy sculpin—Cottus cognatus Richardson 361
- 21.2 Shorthead sculpin—Cottus confusus Bailey and Bond 365
- 21.3 Spoonhead sculpin—Cottus ricei (Nelson) 369
- 21.4 Deepwater sculpin—Myoxocephalus thompsoni (Girard) 373
- 22 Perch Family—Percidae 376
- Key to the 5 Species 376
- 22.1 Iowa darter—Etheostoma exile (Girard) 379
- 22.2 Logperch—Percina caprodes (Rafinesque) 382
- 22.3 Yellow perch—Perca flavescens (Mitchill) 384
- 22.4 Sauger—Stizostedion canadense (Smith) 389
- 22.5 Walleye—Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill) 393
- 23 Cichlid Family—Cichlidae 398
- 23.1 African jewelfish—Hemichromis bimaculatus Gill 399
- Appendix I—Species Introduced or Collected in Alberta But Not Known to Be Established and Species Found in Adjacent Areas 402
- Sturgeon family—Acipenseridae 402
- Gar family—Lepisosteidae 402
- Freshwater eel family—Anguillidae 403
- Minnow family—Cyprinidae 403
- Trout family—Salmonidae 406
- Livebearer family—Poeciliidae 409
- Sculpin family—Cottidae 409
- Sunfish family—Centrarchidae 410
- Perch family—Percidae 412
- Drum family—Sciaenidae 412
- Cichlid family—Cichlidae 412
- Appendix II—Features of Some Alberta Lakes 414
- Appendix III—Discharge of Major Alberta Rivers 418
- Appendix IV—Metric and Imperial Unit Conversions 422
- Glossary 424
- A 424
- B 424
- C 425
- D 426
- E 426
- F 426
- G 428
- H 428
- I 429
- K 430
- L 430
- M 430
- N 430
- O 431
- P 431
- R 432
- S 433
- T 434
- U 435
- V 435
- W 435
- Y 435
- References 436
- Index to Common and Scientific Names 460
- A 460
- B 460
- C 460
- D 461
- E 461
- F 461
- G 461
- H 461
- I 461
- J 462
- K 462
- L 462
- M 462
- N 462
- O 462
- P 462
- Q 463
- R 463
- S 463
- T 464
- W 464
- X 464
- Y 464