cover image: Technical Backgrounder for the Wait Time Alliance Report Card – June 2009


Technical Backgrounder for the Wait Time Alliance Report Card – June 2009

30 Nov 2015

Both the colour and letter grades assigned for these benchmarks follow the same methodology used in assigning letter grades to the provincial wait time benchmarks The provinces were informed in May 2015 that the WTA would be reviewing provincial websites as of July 1, 2015. [...] Most provinces now report both the median and 90th percentile of the time in which patients are treated for a specific procedure Some data are available only at the level of the region or institution as opposed to province-wide. [...] For example, if a province only tracks wait times according to median waits, the progress or lack of progress will be based on whether the median wait has increased or decreased in that province between the two years. [...] For provinces that report on the percentage of population treated, a yellow square is given when the increase in patients treated within the benchmarks over the previous year is less than 5% or has decreased by 0 to 9%. [...] i The WTA wishes to thank the Canadian Cancer Society and the National Association of Federal Retirees for providing the grading of the patient-friendly component of the websites.



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