cover image: July 1, 2021GEM Digest of the Month - Published monthly since December 2009 Contents


July 1, 2021GEM Digest of the Month - Published monthly since December 2009 Contents

30 Jun 2021

• Build the capacity of those responsible for key PSEA roles within the organization; and • Ensure that all staff know how to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse in a way that ensures a survivor-centered approach, promotes power shifts in ways of working, and enables programming to succeed with reduced risk of SEA. [...] The toolkit’s title is “Allies for Gender Equality Toolkit: Enhancing Intersectionality In Engaging Men and Boys- Creating Fair and Engaging Practices Using Gender-Based Analysis+” The toolkit is an informative resource, that presents guidelines and key strategies, for the application of Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) tool in the work of organizations that engage men and boys in gender-transfor. [...] It seeks to diversify the Department’s partnerships that contribute to international development, improve the capacity and knowledge of Canadian SMOs and their partners abroad to produce results, and strengthen the engagement of Canadians. [...] Putting gender, intersectionality and social justice at the centre of transformative responses to climate change At IIED, our strategy commits us to address inequality and promote the rights and voice of poor men and women, young and old. [...] Based on this study, we recommend (1) implementing gender and finance training and enabling access to loans for women as a means for their inclusion in agriculture value chains, and (2) engaging the whole household in gender training in order for all family members to be receptive to adjustments in the gender division of responsibility, labor and decision-making.



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