One of the strategies recommended in this publication and its tip sheet is to “Mitigate the Impact of Bias.” It begins with understanding the nature of bias and what we mean by bias. [...] Mental Models refers to the awareness of the way our biases and assumptions contribute to the organization. [...] The basis of this concept is that when we are on the ground floor, it is difficult to see the full depth of what is happening. [...] Being able to see beyond that which is in front of us is a key skill in helping us see the impact of our decisions on the whole of the organization. [...] View the following video: Dance Floor to the Balcony (1m25s) Read For a Fresh Perspective, Stop Dancing and Get Out on the Balcony Reflect: In your present role, where do you spend most of your time, on the dance floor or on the balcony? When you are implementing or supporting the implementation of a new strategy or paradigm, how do you take into account how others with a different vantage point p.