cover image: Engage Secondary Students Because the Future Depends on it.


Engage Secondary Students Because the Future Depends on it.

11 May 2021

As we stumble into summer, having survived an exhausting and traumatic year with COVID, we likely want to dump the stress and run to seek the tranquility of a sunset at the dock. [...] 2When young people give back to others as they do in Deep Learning, they are using their energy to do good in the world and this changes their brains in terms of the way they think, act and interact with others. [...] There’s no prize at the end of the year for reaching the end of the textbook. [...] So, what if you put it aside and looked to the actual curriculum? If you dig into the curriculum and examined the verbs (what students are expected to be able to do) you will notice the Global Competencies are embedded in there. [...] The best time to make a lasting difference in the lives of your students was the first day you began teaching.


Mag Gardner

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