cover image: Neo-Malthusian Dilemma: Latin America and the Caribbean


Neo-Malthusian Dilemma: Latin America and the Caribbean

28 Nov 2018

Neo-malthusian Dilemma: Latin America and the Caribbean 1.0 Introduction The Neo-malthusian Dilemma for Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1990's and as we move into the 21st century and the next millennium is one of increasing number of people and a slowly declining rate of population growth and the problem of not achieving a sustainable development. [...] 2.2 Current Fertility The crude birth rate in Latin America and the Caribbean had declined from over 40 per 1000 population in the 1950's down to 35 in the 1970's and around 30 in the 1980's and around 25 in the 1990's. [...] 3.0 Spatial Distribution The spatial distribution of the Latin American and Caribbean population is a major problem in a sustainable development and the protection of the environment. [...] The location of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean is a major concern of the governments. [...] The rate of growth of the urban population is about double the rate of growth of the total population.
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