Specifically, it Charted and described the trend in organic agriculture in West Africa; identified the prospects of organic agriculture for West Africa; highlighted the policies on ground Key Words in West African countries to promote the growth of organic farming and then identified and Food Security, discussed the major challenges constraining the successful adoption and expansion of organic agr. [...] This prospect was confirmed by ICROFS finding of the project, according to AdeOluwa was that (2010) who noted that the demand for organic products "the implementation of the organic methods generally in high value food markets in Europe and North resulted in an increase in labour costs and a decrease in America had risen by 10-25% annually and had the costs related to the purchasing of agrochemica. [...] Regarding the variations in the The second most important prospect of organic living conditions at the start of the project, it can agriculture in West Africa still came from the ICROFS' generally be concluded that the poorer the producers, the report which demonstrated the prospect of developing more the project’s impact manifested itself in terms of Organic value chains in West Africa. [...] cases of fraudulent use of labeling referring to organic methods." (iv) Challenges of meeting up with export demands According to Paul (2011) demand for organic products (ii) Poor farm productivity is very high in the developed countries of the west like The problem of low productivity in West African United State of America (USA), Japan and the European agriculture is a major barrier to the growt. [...] in West Africa; identified the prospects of organic agriculture for West Africa; highlighted the policies on v) The Economic Community of West African States ground in West African countries to promote the (ECOWAS) should mandate her member countries to growth of organic farming and then identified and develop national policies on the development of organic discussed the major challenges constrain.