cover image: The Maldivian Digital Communications Environment: Freedom of Expression and the Media, Telecommunica


The Maldivian Digital Communications Environment: Freedom of Expression and the Media, Telecommunica

14 Jun 2010

The Maldivian Digital Communications Environment: Freedom of Expression and the Media, Telecommunica- tions and IT Sectores ASSESSMENT June 2010 This report assesses the state of development of digital communica- tions in the Maldives using a framework based on the Media Devel- opment Indicators, endorsed by UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication, and the Layer Model. [...] One of the main ratified docu- as follows: ‘”Everyone has ments from the WSIS stated: ”We reaffirm our desire and commitment to the right to freedom of build a people-centered, inclusive and development-oriented Information opinion and expression; Society, premised on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United this right includes the right to hold opinions Nations, international law. [...] 7 Information and Com- munications Technology, The overall objective behind the Maldives mission was to engage with the na- or ICT, is an umbrella term that includes all tional authorities and other actors to influence favourably the development technologies for the ma- and regulation of the DCE in the country in a way that respects freedom of nipulation and communi- expression principles, thereby. [...] Those interviewed global research and policy included representatives of the government, of regulatory and oversight project exploring the rela- bodies, of parliament, including members of parliament, of civil society and tionships between human the media, including new media, of the international community, of political rights and information parties, of the legal profession and of the private se. [...] It refers to the need for continued improvement in telecoms infrastructure and regulation, and notes the need for “compre- hensive capacity building and resources in order to develop e-services and to make infrastructure and services sustainable.” There is, however, no general assessment of the contribution which ICTs can make to the achievement of government plans as a whole, and it is not includ.
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