cover image: ORIGINS OF LATERAL VIOLENCE IN ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES - A preliminary study of student-to-student


ORIGINS OF LATERAL VIOLENCE IN ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES - A preliminary study of student-to-student

25 Jun 2014

Project Background: Current Existing Knowledge and Impetus for the Exploration of Student-to-Student Abuse The Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is the component of the Settlement Agreement instituted to settle claims of physical and sexual abuses that occurred at these schools.2 The IAP requires Survivors to give detailed accounts of their abuses suffered, including the names of the perpetrato. [...] Moreover, a greater understanding of the prevalence, the factors that promoted student-to-student abuse, and the consequences of this phenomenon will hopefully be a catalyst for Survivors, families, and communities to acknowledge and heal from some of the effects that appear to be associated with this abuse. [...] In general, it is anticipated that the reconciliation efforts will be between the communities and the churches, between the Aboriginal population and the churches, as well as between the Aboriginal people and the government. [...] Although the results from this study do not necessarily speak to the relative pervasiveness of each theme that was raised, the responses shared by the participants provide important insight into the nature and characteristics of student-to-student abuse, the factors that contribute to this phenomenon, as well as some of the associated long-term consequences. [...] All participants were given the opportunity to read the report and provide feedback in order to verify the validity of the interpretations of the data.
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