R. (Inclusion Press, 1991) Groups of parents, teachers, special educators, clergy, or other community‐based leaders can use these reflective stories as a source of uncovering programs or policies that may prevent people from being accepted in and belonging to the community. 68 Workshop Toronto Summer Institute Each summer, the Inclusion Network holds a five‐day Toro. [...] L44/L47 Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation 60 Mobile Drive Toronto, ON M4A 2P3 Tel: 416‐751‐8300 ext. 528 Toll Free: 1‐800‐267‐7867 Fax: 416‐615‐1646 Panel Sec Topic Socio‐economic status Resource Type Booklets, classroom resource, video Low Income Families Together (LIFT) 238 Queen Street West Toronto, ON M5V 1Z7 Tel: 416‐597‐9400. [...] O. Box 21054 Winnipeg, MB R3R 3R2 Tel: 204‐897‐0461 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.ladybugeducation.ca The Ladybug Foundation Education Program Inc. is a non‐profit registered charitable organization founded by Hannah Taylor in 2006 as a separate "sister" charity to The Ladybug Foundation. 75 mailto:
[email protected] . [...] O. Box 192, Station F 82 mailto:
[email protected] Toronto, ON M4Y 2L5 Tel: 905‐472‐3976 Email: doyle@the‐wire.com This interactive presentation of images and dialogue is a snapshot of the African Canadian diaspora, captured by the very experienced veteran Canadian media practitioner. "The. [...] O. Box 244 Red Lake, ON P0V 2M0 Tel: (807) 727‐2847 Fax: (807) 727‐3253 Email:
[email protected] RLIFC organizes/facilitates activities at schools in the Red Lake district and at the Friendship Centre. The centre provides a range of teacher resources, runs classroom programs, offers workshops, and hosts community events. Teacher Resources Aboriginal based ac.