cover image: No. 19 August 1, 2021 - U.S. President Biden's Infrastructure Plan


No. 19 August 1, 2021 - U.S. President Biden's Infrastructure Plan

13 Aug 2021

The exposure of the political economy regarding infrastructure and the refusal of the oligarchy to meet its responsibilities is a front of the struggle to affirm the rights of all and claim what belongs to the working class by right as the producer of all value. [...] The exposure and class struggle to stop paying the rich and increase spending on social programs point to the necessity for a new direction for the economy where the actual producers themselves take control of economic and political affairs freed from the burden of the narrow competing private interests of the oligarchs dictating what is to be done in contradiction with working people and the soci. [...] The issue is who decides? Who decides the direction of the economy and for what purpose? By constituting itself the nation, building it in its own image and vesting decision-making power in the people, the working class can build the nation anew with a new aim and direction for the economy and politics that serve the people and society. [...] Any undertakings and investments of the size announced in the Biden plan require funds beyond the willingness of the private sector to provide without government guarantees of the security of the investment and return. [...] The productive forces must come under the control of socialized humanity, the working people who can utilize the tremendous actual and potential power of the modern means of production to humanize the social and natural environment and put an end to the outdated and backward motive for maximum private profit that exploits the working people and tears the socialized economy apart through reckless g.



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