cover image: Mental Health Systems in Refugee-Producing Countries - The Access to Care, Institutions, and Culture of


Mental Health Systems in Refugee-Producing Countries - The Access to Care, Institutions, and Culture of

9 Oct 2012

The WHO is concerned with a “lack of awareness of the importance of mental health in [Ethiopia’s] overall xi development.” 15% of the country suffers from a mental illness. [...] There is strong availability of all drugs at the outpatient facilities, with at least one drug of each primary class available year-round (rural access is more difficult: See Below.) The cost of antipsychotics is 7% of the daily minimum wage, and the cost of antidepressants is 5% of the daily minimum wage. [...] The density of beds in mental hospitals is highest in Lagos, the most populated city in Nigeria, and all of the countries eight mental hospitals lay in cities. [...] The general disregard for mental health care affects the living conditions of those with mental illness: there are problems in the region of human rights violations against patients and their families, negligent care in mental health facilities, and poor housing conditions of the lxv mentally ill. [...] The juxtaposition of policy and practice is most clearly seen in access to psychotropic drugs: 100% of the country’s population is supposed to have free access to mental health drugs while in mental hospitals, but the supply of drugs is very limited.


Andrew Greaves

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