cover image: A Background Review of Agriculture and Food Systems in Malaysia, in preparation


A Background Review of Agriculture and Food Systems in Malaysia, in preparation

10 Dec 2020

Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union Report structure, purpose and limitations The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative, coordinated by UN Environment, was developed in response to the need for a transformative change in food systems in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals agreed glob. [...] yield per hectare) to include more holistic, long term elements of agricultural economics and development; to identify, develop and catalyze the application of a mix of policies and tools that capture the values of ecosystem services across the agri-food value chain; and to establish the enabling conditions for agri- business to build a sustainable economy and place biodiversity as a cornerstone o. [...] The UNEP TEEBAgriFood project on promoting biodiversity and sustainability in the agriculture and food sector in Malaysia complements the Government’s green growth initiatives and the 12th MP objective of establishing new principles, including ecosystem services valuation, in agricultural economy, by highlighting several trade-offs made in land-use decisions and mainstreaming the values of biodive. [...] Because around 10% of Malaysia’s labour force is involved in agriculture (Department of Statistics, Malaysia 2019), ensuring food security and protecting the well-being of workers in the sector is critical during the crisis, especially as the average wage of workers in the agriculture, fishing and forestry sector is lowest compared to other sectors, exposing workers to economic hardships (Abdullah. [...] The UNEP TEEBAgriFood project on promoting biodiversity and sustainability in the agriculture and food sector in Malaysia complements the Government’s green growth initiatives and the 12th MP objective of establishing new principles, including ecosystem services valuation, in agricultural economy, by highlighting several trade-offs made in land-use decisions and mainstreaming the values of biodive.



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