cover image: The LCR Planning Handbook - Integrating Low Carbon Resilience in Local Government Planning


The LCR Planning Handbook - Integrating Low Carbon Resilience in Local Government Planning

21 Oct 2021

In some natural sys- work to evaluate the status and the conse- framework that considers climate risk and tems, human intervention may facilitate ad- quences of environmental change and the LCR CO-BENEFITS: The beneficial social, vulnerability, emissions, and co-benefits as justment to expected climate and its effects. [...] The approach uses a strong founda- tion of climate risk and vulnerability and corporate and community emissions data to help ful consultants collected risk and emissions data in the same planning process governments anticipate and respond to future climate conditions, identifying adaptation and and worked together in workshops to identify and co-evaluate synergistic LCR low- or zero-carbon solutio. [...] Take stock of the climate action munity stakeholders to collectively emissions inventories and forecasts landscape, identify data gaps and identify synergies and opportuni- to collect data, identify priority risk LCR Tip: key synergies, and engage relevant ties and build LCR awareness and and emissions reduction areas, and Pulling from BARC and PCP Tools departments and staff about the accountabil. [...] Over the course of a year, the coordinator increased LCR awareness in the CAWG, worked with the consultants and the CAWG to assess the city’s key climate risks and vul- nerabilities, and emissions sources, and to identify and evaluate strategies that could reduce both risk and emissions, and the co-benefits of doing so. [...] Assets Management and Energy & Emissions), the Risk Team (Financial Planning and Risk Management), the Planning and Development Team, and the Resource Man- The LCR Champion leads the planning process and works directly with consultants to ensure agement Team.
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