cover image: CMD Project 529


CMD Project 529

23 Sep 2014

CMD 529 529 – Modeling and segmenting consumer preference for differentiated chicken meat Researchers: Getu Hailu – University of Guelph Research Summary Although the overall chicken meat consumption in Canada has been rising over time, there is a consistent change in the composition of chicken meat consumption. [...] In spite of the steady growth of meat demand over the last three decades, some believe that chicken consumption may have reached a saturation point and that without the introduction of new products, per capita consumption may not increase. [...] The potential benefits of quality and convenience chicken meat attributes are emerging as a new reality in the agricultural and food industries. [...] For example, the development and introduction of grain-fed, organic, naturalness, free-run ready-to-eat and ready-to-prepare chicken meat products offer the promise of delivering foods with a wide range of enhanced consumer benefits. [...] Second, the results identify additional opportunities for chicken producers/processors to generate added value that will optimize the competitiveness, growth, profitability and sustainability of the industry.


Beaulieu, Genevieve

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