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E-Cigarette Minimum Age: Theory, Evidence and Regulatory Policy

7 Jun 2021

Ontario Tobacco Research Unit 1 E-Cigarette Minimum Age: Theory, Evidence and Regulatory Policy Cannabis Age 21 • When cannabis was legalized in Canada, the federal government set a minimum age of 18 allowing provinces to set a higher minimum age to harmonize with minimum age laws for alcohol and tobacco. [...] • Because of evidence, public opinion, and the precedent with Quebec raising the minimum age to 21, experts believe that the cannabis minimum age laws in Canada may continue to evolve. [...] Cannabis Minimum Age 21 • When cannabis was legalized in Canada, the federal government set a minimum age for sale of 18 allowing provinces to set a higher minimum age to harmonize with minimum age laws for alcohol and tobacco. [...] • Because of evidence, public opinion, and the precedent with Quebec raising the minimum age to 21, experts believe that the cannabis minimum age laws in Canada may continue to evolve. [...] The bill also requires that retailer must ask for proof of age from individuals that appear to be under the age of 18 to under the age of 25 (Government of Northwest Territories, Health and Social Services, n.d.).


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