cover image: Outlines of Funding Programs For Indigenous Groups   - Toronto Grants


Outlines of Funding Programs For Indigenous Groups - Toronto Grants

23 Dec 2019

funding stream The aim of this program is to increase awareness and engagement on climate action at the local level by funding resident-led projects, activities and events that: Reduce the harmful emissions that contribute to climate change; Educate and engage the public on climate change and climate action; Advance the principles, priorities and actions of TransformTO and the Toronto Strong. [...] Commitment 3 of Meeting in the Middle states that the City commits to working with Indigenous partners to explore ways to strengthen the capacity of Indigenous-led organizations and associations to plan, lead, and deliver initiatives for local Indigenous communities. [...] The program was created to raise the profile of Toronto-based Indigenous artists and support the development of the Indigenous arts sector. [...] Engagement in funding stream Process for The development of the Indigenous funding stream initially arose out of development of conversations in the community, then was bolstered by the Toronto funding stream Indigenous Health Strategy. [...] Participants will be asked to respond to the questions in the REOI) What did you We need to continue our outreach to diverse and Indigenous artists learn? and communities to collaborate and identify opportunities Importance of incorporating Safety and Health and Wellness into all programs What would you Develop new strategies to engage Indigenous artists/communities differently? Other commen.


Carolyn Doyle

Published in
