cover image: The Citizen Lab - Middle East and North Africa CyberWatch:


The Citizen Lab - Middle East and North Africa CyberWatch:

31 May 2013

Before the Guardian Council's official announcement on the list of nominees for the upcoming presidential election, the Committee to Determine Instances of Criminal Content stated that the publication of unofficial statements regarding the disqualification of any of the nominees would constitute a “dissemination of lies,” which is a cause for filtering. [...] The spokesperson from the committee clarified that the political affiliation of the websites is not a determining factor in filtering. [...] Other officials have cited the disconnection of international cables in the Suez Canal as the cause of the recent spate of Internet disruptions. [...] In the weeks leading up to the official nominations of the 2013 presidential candidates, the website had been vocal about the need for free and fair elections and the participation of all political parties. [...] SYRIA: Syrian Electronic Army hacks the Financial Times The Syrian Electronic Army [SEA] has claimed responsibility for the hacking and defacement of the website of the Financial Times, a British newspaper.


Matthew Carrieri

Published in
