cover image: Exploring Upstream and Downstream Fish Passage Improvements on the Lower St. Croix River


Exploring Upstream and Downstream Fish Passage Improvements on the Lower St. Croix River

3 Feb 2021

Croix River basin is a longstanding recommendation of the IJC and the ISCRWB, stemming from the initial request from governments to the IJC to recommend actions to improve the use, conservation and regulation of the St. [...] Study Goal The goal of this study is to identify opportunities and constraints for options that provide fish passage at the Grand Falls and Woodland dams, accommodating the design populations of selected species in both upstream and downstream directions, within the St. [...] 3) Identify the spatial extent of the affected area and habitats upstream and downstream of the Grand Falls and Woodland facilities. [...] The Woodland Dam study area includes the downstream region to the Milltown Dam reservoir and the upstream region of the Woodland Flowage upstream to the Grand Falls Facilities. [...] Most of the rest of the dam helps regulate the reservoir water surface elevation for the powerhouse and minimizes waves from overtopping the dam through the use of flashboards (Figure 2.7).


Tim Bertsos

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