cover image: Canadian excellence, global recognition: - Canada’s 2020 winners of major international research awards


Canadian excellence, global recognition: - Canada’s 2020 winners of major international research awards

4 Mar 2021

entrenched slavery and required that escaped slaves be The legal scholar grew up in South Africa and studied returned to the South…Should the property rules of the law and political theory during the height of apartheid. [...] sky to having data on millions of objects…We can learn so “We take a lot of data about the whole sky; we make a much more about the properties of this expansion.” map of the sky in different wavelengths and do statistical “I’ve kind of been waiting my whole life for this.” The analysis of what the universe is like: what is it made of, observatory is expected to start generating data in a how did s. [...] International Center for Living Aquatic Resources The University of British Columbia Professor Daniel Pauly Management in the Philippines, asking contacts around — the most-cited fisheries scientist in the world — has the world to produce a complement to the official data. [...] Thanks to the Sloan Research Fellowship, she will The University of Toronto ecologist began her research by conduct some of this research at the Experimental Lakes looking at plastics in the middle of the ocean. [...] Shannon Walsh — filmmaker, writer and associate “I’m definitely interested in untold stories and being able professor in the Department of Theatre and Film at The to understand the world in which we live and the social University of British Columbia — is a 2020 winner of the issues around us through the details of everyday life,” Guggenheim Fellowship for her outstanding storytelling she says.
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