cover image: Appendix F - Phase 5 Alternatives 502, 503, and 504


Appendix F - Phase 5 Alternatives 502, 503, and 504

12 Oct 2021

Trend in the timing of the onset of runoff into Grant Devine Lake over the period of record. [...] Trend in the timing of the onset of runoff into Lake Darling over the period of record ........... [...] There are not many years within the historic period of record that illustrate the impact of shifting the start of the apportionment year from January 1st to November 1st of the preceding year. [...] Alternative variant 504a isolates the effects of the apportionment shift by only changing the start of the apportionment year relative to the baseline model. [...] Extending the normal drawdown period carries the risk of not being able to reach the normal drawdown target elevation prior to the onset of runoff.


Mueller, Chanel CIV USARMY CEMVP (US)

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