cover image: CARL _ ACAADR



26 Nov 2020

This testimony, combined with facial irregularities on the alleged Gambia documents procured by CBSA, led the Immigration Division to conclude that the officer’s evidence failed to meet the standard of credible and trustworthy as required under section 173(d) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. [...] The Immigration Division does not have the jurisdiction to address the gross misconduct of the CBSA officer in this case. [...] This includes commissions and omissions leading to the death of immigration detainees and mistreatment of people while detained, unnecessary detention, and the conditions of detention. [...] Changes made with respect to the policy and practice of immigration detention must be accompanied by robust, independent and external oversight of CBSA, preferably in a renewed bill that addresses the shortcomings of last session’s Bill C-3. [...] The government must ensure that the accountability mechanism for CBSA is adequately funded and effective, to avoid reproducing the kinds of deficiencies, capacity issues and delays evident in other federal law enforcement accountability bodies.


Lobat Sadrehashemi

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