cover image: Co-op Dev & State pts3&4


Co-op Dev & State pts3&4

16 Jan 2015

The challenge of examining the role of the state in cooperative devel- opment in the United States is to first sort out the number and type of co- operatives that currently exist. [...] With the collapse of Communism, the end of the Cold War, and the American economic boom of the 1990s, the U. [...] This research has been funded by the Co-opera- tives Secretariat of the Government of Canada, and carried out by the authors based at the Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan. [...] after the 1880s, the rise of federal Agricultural Extension in the ’teens and ’twenties, the Cooperative Marketing Act of 1926, and the New Deal and related initiatives of the 1930s (including the establishment of the Farm Credit System) transformed the agricultural co- operative movement.8 Ironically the growth of farmer co-operatives brought them into con- flict with antimonopoly laws, and it wa. [...] Agriculture and Rural Co-operatives • According to the officials we consulted, the role of the state in co-opera- tive development is most evident—out of all sectors and levels of interven- tion—in the U.
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