cover image: Organizational and human resource capacity for addressing gender equality: Civil society engagement


Organizational and human resource capacity for addressing gender equality: Civil society engagement

29 Jun 2020

Since the launch of the policy, the question of how the FIAP will shape future aid investments for Canadian organizations has emerged, including with respect to how organizations will align their programming and organizational structures with the principles and development objectives of the FIAP. [...] A better understanding is needed of how Canadian CSOs and their partners are pursuing (or not) feminist, rights-based approaches to international development and humanitarian assistance, and how existing practices inform and strengthen the capacity of Canadian organizations and their partners to address gender inequality and in the manner presented in the FIAP. [...] Based on the findings from this 2008 study and on the release of the FIAP in 2017, this current study aimed to examine the progress made to consider both the challenges and the opportunities for Canadian organizations to boost their engagement in gender equality and women’s empowerment. [...] Learning and Skill-Building Opportunities Respondents were asked to determine the number and types of events and training activities that were specific to gender equality since the launch of the FIAP and whether or not there was an increase in activities as a result of the policy. [...] As one GCoP member mentions, key to ensuring the FIAP’s effectiveness is “Knowing how to reflect the point of view of the target groups (local communities, their perceptions, experiences and efforts to reaching gender equality) and not the perspective of the Canadian Government only.”3 Advocacy and Public Communications Two thirds of respondents considered the FIAP as influencing their support for.


Cecilia Nuevo

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