cover image: Annual Project Results Report    SIMBA UTANO: - Enhancing Gender Equality and Human Dignity for


Annual Project Results Report SIMBA UTANO: - Enhancing Gender Equality and Human Dignity for

25 Mar 2021

Katswe Sistahood and Youth Engage are involve in a number of efforts to influence strategies and legislation including: • National Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR) Strategy; • Review of the Termination of Pregnancy Act; • Realignment of the Age of Consent and the legal age of marriage; • Criminalization of Date Rape under the Sexual Offences Act; • Decriminalization of. [...] 3 In order to influence the drafting of these two important pieces of legislation – the Age of Consent and the Criminalization of Date Rape- project staff are already meeting with Parliamentarians and identifying champions who will take the issues further. [...] 1223 (revise to 1222) Health facility managers and administrators sensitized to facilitate the delivery of gender equitable and , adolescent-responsive SRHR and HIV services to vulnerable AGYW Request 1 That the output will be renumbers as 1222 Request 2 That the wording of above indicator include the words “and referrals” which allows the original 1221 to be deleted Indicator: Health facility man. [...] Disruption to the Educational System A major concern for the project is the impact of school closures on the motivation of young girls and boys – and the growing sense of hopelessness amongst this demographic which has resulted in increases in teenage pregnancies, illegal and unsafe abortions, early marriage and drug abuse. [...] % of AGYW reporting satisfaction with 89.4 (185/207) Maintaining 90%* N/A Semi-annually and endline confidentiality by HF staff average throughout project Update: As above, this will begin in year 2 with the introduction of the scorecard which is one of the key tools used to measure the quality of service provided to AGYW # of AGYW provided with access to 46% of AGYW 15% yearly increase N/A Annual.



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