cover image: Directors of the Regional District of Fraser Fort George Planning Department RE: REGIONAL DISTRICT OF FRASER FORT GEORGE’S CONSIDERATION OF WEST COAST OLEFIN’S


Directors of the Regional District of Fraser Fort George Planning Department RE: REGIONAL DISTRICT OF FRASER FORT GEORGE’S CONSIDERATION OF WEST COAST OLEFIN’S

4 Nov 2021

The Board of the RDFFG has the discretion3 and a responsibility to deny the NFU application to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. [...] CRITICAL LEGAL ANALYSIS: Issue 1: Whether the Board of the RDFFG should deny the application to proceed to the ALC on the substantive grounds that it does not align with the purpose of the ALR and the Pineview Official Community Plan The magnitude and scale of this project’s potential impacts on the ALR warrants a comprehensive review to determine whether this application is in alignment with the. [...] The concerns of Pineview residents and the irreversible harms that would result in allowing this proposed project to move forward include, but are not limited to: The loss of some of the best and only farmland in the area and the proximity of the project to remaining farmland. [...] Thus, the Board of the RDFFG should deny the application to proceed to the ALC on the substantive grounds that it does not align with the purpose of the Agricultural Land Reserve and the Pineview Official Community Plan. [...] Page 13 In the absence of the fundamental procedural fairness elements such as the right to be heard and the right to disclosure of relevant information, the Board should deny forwarding the NFU application to the ALC.



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