cover image: Oman Report 2011


Oman Report 2011

7 Nov 2011

The information provided here is not a substitute for legal advice or legal assistance, and the International Human Rights program at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law cannot provide such advice or assistance. [...] Article 223 reads, “Any individual who commits sexual acts with a person of the same sex shall be prosecuted, even if no complaint is made, for committing homosexual or lesbian acts if the act causes a public nuisance and shall be punished with a term of imprisonment of between six months and three years.” 2. [...] Homosexuality is tolerated as long as it is not visible This is a country report from the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada that reviews the situation for homosexuals in Oman. [...] The first group is probably pretty small, and what we in the West think of as a “gay community” comes down to some fairly small groups of men, mostly in and around Muscat – more a set of sometimes intersecting sets of friends. [...] The Sultan of Oman is generally believed to be homosexual Omanis tend not to discuss the sexual orientation of the Sultan, at least openly, as it is believed that open discussion of the Sultan’s alleged homosexuality could result in “negative consequences” such as imprisonment Those interviewed by the author all agreed that the Sultan’s alleged homosexuality raises serious doubts as to his l.


Claire L'Heureux-Dube

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