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15 Jun 2021

CAPP welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Government of Canada in response to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)’s BES Strategy Engagement Paper and the various consultation sessions CAPP staff and members attended, as part of the government’s stakeholder engagement process. [...] The Ocean- Based Energy section of the Engagement paper describes how: “ … future development of ocean-based energy projects must consider the impact that they may have on marine species and habitats, the rights of Indigenous peoples, and the surrounding environment to avoid undermining other economic and environmental objectives and reconciliation.” Each of these considerations continue to be fro. [...] The decision of whether a proposed project can proceed is based on these five factors of public interest: The extent to which the designated project contributes to sustainability; The extent to which the adverse effects within federal jurisdiction and the adverse direct or incidental effects that are indicated in the Impact Assessment Report in respect of the designated project are significant. [...] As well, significant growth has the potential to occur in industry wages and consumer spending in Canada, with $3.3 billion in taxes collected by the federal and other provincial governments in 2033.3 Oil and natural gas companies also make major investments in research and development, education and training in Atlantic Canada. [...] Also, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Advance 2030 Plan for Growth in the Newfoundland and Labrador Oil and Gas Industry sets the path forward for future offshore oil and gas development and should be an integral part of the Blue Economy Strategy.
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