cover image: Nuclear disarmament must be a priority for the next Canadian government


Nuclear disarmament must be a priority for the next Canadian government

20 Sep 2021

Key among them: the chasm that has opened up among the 191 states, party to the cornerstone Nuclear 1 Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), that has pitted supporters of the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) against its opponents who defend the status quo. [...] Its opponents favour a “step-by-step” approach to realizing the vaguely phrased NPT commitment to pursue “good faith negotiations on effective measures relating to the cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament.” Since the TPNW’s more stringent requirements would proscribe continued support for nuclear deterrence (i.e., the threat to use nuclear weapons under ce. [...] The disagreement over the TPNW has put additional stress on the NPT which is already in the diplomatic equivalent of an ICU. [...] Such a step would help counter a destabilizing (and proliferation-friendly) expansion of rationales for the use of nuclear weapons on the part of some nuclear states. [...] Such engagement on the part of Foreign Minister Marc Garneau could be coupled with an invitation by Canada to host a meeting of the group this fall to prepare for the NPT Review Conference.


Paul Meyer

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