cover image: The United Republic of Tanzania Office of the Prime Minister Regional Administration and Local Government

The United Republic of Tanzania Office of the Prime Minister Regional Administration and Local Government

29 May 2014

In his statement he said that there is an agreement between the Village and Mine that shows the following: - a) The Mine should buy the land from the residents and pay a fee to the Village together with compensation to the owners of the land as per the Agreement; b) The Mine will provide support in the development activities related to improvements in water, road construction, education and health. [...] He said out of the session that was attended by leaders of the villages surrounding the Mine, the residents had seen that the manager claimed that he did not want the residents to continue to search for gold in the rubble. [...] He explained the factors that led to the raid that day were: - a) The act of police to inform the residents that on 16.05.2011 they will not be allowed to enter the Mine area because their bosses were coming to the area; b) Some of the officers who gave secret information that the stones on that day were of a great value; c) The time to exchange shifts is normally at 5:00am in the morning and the. [...] He said the cause of the deaths was related to the delays in them being taken to the appropriate medical services due to the violence of the people themselves. [...] The agreements are not clear, the Chairman of the Village Government has left the responsibility of protection and security to the elders of the traditions.
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