cover image: @Risk: From Apathy to Climate Action with Andri Snaer Magnason


@Risk: From Apathy to Climate Action with Andri Snaer Magnason

13 Apr 2021

And even when I took my dog for a walk and we were putting the poop in the bag, I was discussing with my daughter, okay, maybe how long will this bag last? Is this a gift to the future if we put the poop in a bag, and so will somebody find this? And every single day when we put something into the atmosphere when we add CO2 to the atmosphere, we are putting more pressure on future generations, and. [...] And then this has always started, kind of, I have always questioned, what is this? But then when I was preparing the interview, I saw that the origin of the Ganga River is a glacier called Komuk, and that means the mouth of the cow. [...] And I felt okay, I can take my grandmother, the Dalai Lama, and mythology, and I can try to pack that into some kind of a story about ice as a source of life and how this ice is actually diminishing because of us in the next 100 years and what effect that might have. [...] When you read the science and the data and the statistics, it can be very overwhelming, and that can lead to paralysis. [...] It’s a collective problem and it requires collective action, climate change and fighting climate change, but the role of the individual and their purpose is still vital and I loved how you brought that to life through the story of your maternal Uncle John.


Thomas James Sayers

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