cover image: June 13, 2020 - No. 21 - Matters of Concern to the Polity - • BlackRock -- The Super Cartel

June 13, 2020 - No. 21 - Matters of Concern to the Polity - • BlackRock -- The Super Cartel

21 Jul 2020

To prop itself up, as the financial oligarchy lurches from crisis to crisis, its instruments and forms of organization mutate and change, like creatures from the Black Lagoon.[1] For example, out of the crises and corruption of the late 19th century came the merging of banking and industrial capital and the giant trusts and monopolies of the Robber Barons. [...] In the 1990s, came the financial de-regulation of the banking sector and the welding back together, Frankenstein-style, of investment and commercial banking which contributed in a negative way to the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the Great Recession of 2008. [...] A fundamental task for the working people in the coming years will be to step up the fight to change the aim and direction of the economy so it is removed from the clutches of the financial oligarchy and its institutions and brought under the control of a public authority accountable to the people. [...] He added that the desire of the people of the two countries to put an end to the "world's most antagonistic relations between the DPRK and the U. [...] In the face of this reality, it becomes all the more important for the government of the ROK to honour its commitments which serve the desire of the Korean people to attain peace.



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