cover image: Appendix B-7: Alternative 7 - Apportionment Year


Appendix B-7: Alternative 7 - Apportionment Year

12 Oct 2021

The model runs on a Julien time calendar with the days of the year being given a number from 1-365, meaning that in order access the previous year’s November to December flows, the model needs to sum and store those flows in a time series in the year that they occurred. [...] For Alternative 7, only the year 1969 and the two drought sequences, 1931-1937 and 1988-1991, are plotted, as the rest of the index years show no change from the baseline scenario. [...] The second was to assess the impact to Lake Darling’s ability to reach FSL, and the last consideration was to assess the impacts on the volume of flow during the spring period downstream of Sherwood Crossing. [...] The difference in the two lines is difficult to decipher at the current scale, but by the end of 2017 there was an accumulated difference of 26,000 dam3, indicating less water was over-delivered to Sherwood in the alternative scenario. [...] Alternative 7 Due to the difficulty in seeing the difference from the baseline run to Alternative 7, another graph was created that shows the annual end-of- year surpluses for the baseline run and scenario 7, as show in Figure 11.



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