cover image: Your Centre Name


Your Centre Name

30 Jan 2018

Professor McGrath continued as the President of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) and is leading the organizing of the next conference planned for July 2011 at the Refugee Law Project, Makerere University in Kampala Uganda. [...] She has the lead on a project to support the development of a teaching and research centre at the School of Social work at the National University of Rwanda and is a member of two SSHRC funded Standard Grants. [...] Giles participated in the management of the project through the RRN Executive Committee, Management Committee and as lead of the Tertiary Education Cluster, Evaluation Working Group and member of the PRS Cluster and Gender Research Cluster. [...] The purpose of this project is to mobilize and sustain a Canadian and international network of researchers and research centres committed to the study of refugee and forced migration issues and to finding solutions to the plight of refugees. [...] Recent projects focus on the settlement experiences of Muslim, Tamil and El Salvadorian refugees in Canada, the needs of the internally displaced in Southern Sudan and in Iran which has housed among the largest number of refugees in the world.


Alon Teper

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