cover image: The Honourable Mike Holland Re: Violations of New Brunswick’s Species at Risk Act, RSNB 2012, c 6


The Honourable Mike Holland Re: Violations of New Brunswick’s Species at Risk Act, RSNB 2012, c 6

19 May 2021

MNCC works to improve the fate of those we need to take care of - the 4 legged, the finned, the winged, the crawlers, the plants, trees and waters. [...] In the case of the Eastern Wood-pewee, the BBS covers most of the species’ breeding range, and short- and long-term trends should correspond closely to actual population changes. [...] The strength of this survey lies in the fact that it covers the entire breeding range of the species in Québec (Cyr and Larivée 1995). [...] Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas (OBBA) The Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas compared the distribution of breeding birds between 1981-1985 and 2001-2005, and is an important source of information on the status of the Eastern Wood-pewee in Ontario (Cadman et al. [...] The percent change in the distribution of the Eastern Wood-pewee in Ontario over a period of 20 years was calculated by comparing the percentage of the squares occupied in the first atlas period to the percentage occupied in the second atlas period, adjusting for observation effort (Blancher et al.


Genevieve Rondeau

Published in

