cover image: Fair Registration Practices Report 2020


Fair Registration Practices Report 2020

21 Oct 2021

Assessment of qualifications i) Describe any improvements/changes implemented in the last year Due to Covid 19, the HRPA had to make several changes to the assessment of qualifications: • We updated our transcript submission policy to allow for the direct submission of grades electronically by the Offices’ of the Registrar at all applicable colleges and universities in lieu of hardcopy transcripts. [...] iii) Describe the impact of the improvements/changes on your organization The new website has made it easier for HRPA staff members to direct individuals to the relevant information on the website. [...] ii) Describe the impact of the improvements/changes on applicants Student registrants now have the ability to update their graduation date independently, and to verify the graduation date the HRPA has on file for them, without needing to contact the HRPA and wait for a response. [...] Category Number of staff Total number of staff employed by the regulatory 59.75 body Number of staff involved in the appeals process 2 Number of staff involved in the registration 2 process Additional comments: The Appeal Committee is supported by a staff member from the Office of the Registrar who functions as the liaison between the Appeal Committee, the Appellant and the HRPA. [...] The Registration Committee is supported by a staff member from the Office of the Registrar who functions as the liaison between the Registration Committee and the applicant.


Bergeron, Kim (MLTSD)

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