Since to extract the deeper reserves of oil from the bi- the Athabasca tar sands development is planned tumen and process it as crude oil, the plan is to to be the cornerstone of a major energy corridor build a pipeline corridor down the Mackenzie to the U. [...] en- ergy satellite: The nature and scope of the The report concludes with a set of recommen- Athabasca tar sands as a major source of dations on what needs to be done to stimulate new oil; the existing projects and rapidly grow- policies and strategies on three fronts: 1) the ques- ing developments; the kind of extraction tion of further development of the Athabasca tar processes used; the energy. [...] what needs to be done about it; and 3) the ques- tion of short- and long-term plans of action for the • The environmental costs of this new en- development of Alberta and the North as oil and ergy corridor: The extremely dirty kind of natural gas producing regions of the country. [...] the report, along with the findings of these field visits and research, were reviewed by a steering • The social impacts of the tar sands and committee composed of representatives from the pipeline: How the fast pace of development three sponsoring organizations — the Canadian combines with a lack of vision or industrial Centre for Policy Alternatives, the Parkland In- strategy in the province of. [...] Since the collapse in 1989 much of the 20th century and, with its love af- of the Berlin Wall, symbolizing the demise of the fair with the automobile, plastics, and other syn- Soviet Union, the U.
- Pages
- 68
- Published in
- Canada