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CRRF Conferences: Building on the legacy Contents Introduction

26 Jan 2022

In this age of ipods and wireless, the technology is cheap and the operation of the equipment is simple, but the knowledge takes one far beyond the limits of the conference itself. [...] The backup person’s job is to keep informed about the activities and progress of the point person – so that when the surprise occurs, they are up to speed and able to manage through the crisis. [...] Often, the only way for a researcher to attend an event is if s/he is presenting the results of her/his research project – because then the costs of attending the conference is part of the expenses of the research project. [...] If you are paying the expenses for someone to come to the conference, make a calculation of the expected costs of attending the conference (airfare, car rental, accommodation, meals) and negotiate with the speaker for a fixed “speaker’s fee” that is close to this amount. [...] c) Continue the practice of having tours on the afternoon of the FIRST day of the conference.



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