cover image: Workplace Practices for Healthy and Sustainable Return to Work


Workplace Practices for Healthy and Sustainable Return to Work

6 Jun 2019

A second table presents the findings and conclusions reached by the various authors on the effectiveness of the RTW intervention and the description of the components in the workplace. [...] The first part contained sociodemographic questions: age, sex, duration of employment in the organization and in the job held at the time of the accident, and nature of the tasks. [...] The first part consisted of a presentation of the interview objectives and the ethics consent form, a period of questions about the project and the ethics procedure, and the signing of the consent form. [...] The main categories contained in the coding tree were pre-established according to the themes broached in the semi-structured interviews: (1) the key players, (2) the description of the company/organization; (3) the procedures, (4) the phases/stages in the RTW following the accident; (5) the factors facilitating or hindering the RTW; (6) the positive and negative perceptions of the RTW process, as. [...] Each RTW situation was first described from the perspectives of the workers and of other key players directly involved in the RTW, with respect to the accidental event, the time from the accident to the sick leave, the temporary assignment, the gradual return to work, the return to regular work, follow-up, the evaluation of work capacity and of the work itself, work adjustments and accommodations,.


Iuliana Nastasia

Published in

