cover image: City of Langley Zoning Bylaw Part 1Interpretation Part 2General Regulations and Requirements

City of Langley Zoning Bylaw Part 1Interpretation Part 2General Regulations and Requirements

12 May 2017

the average of the elevations of the highest eave and the ridge of a gable, hip or gambrel roof, or the deck line of a mansard roof; (b) in the case of all other zones when the height is measured in metres, the vertical distance from the upper surface of the floor of the first storey of the building or structure to the ceiling of the uppermost storey; and 6 (c) in the case of zones where the heigh. [...] Land in RS1 and RS2 zones shall not be used for the parking or other storage of recreational vehicles, other than one recreational vehicle parked or stored: (a) in a building on the lot; (b) outdoors, to the rear of the plane of the front wall of the principal building on the lot, and to the rear of the plane of the wall of the principal building facing any exterior side lot line; or (c) outdoors. [...] The figure indicated in a column of a table in Parts 11 through 15 of this bylaw with the heading “Height of Buildings and Structures” is the maximum height, in metres or storeys as the case may be, of any building or structure of the type indicated in the corresponding row of the table that is constructed or erected in the zone for which that maximum height is indicated. [...] 219 of the Land Title Act in favour of the City, restricting the use of the lot or a portion of the lot to motor vehicle parking for the lot for which the spaces are required, and by a parking easement in favour of the owner of the lot for which the spaces are required. [...] If 20 or more parking spaces are being provided, at least 25% of the total area of the parking spaces shall be shaded with tree canopy, at noon on the date of the summer solstice in the year that is 15 years from the date of issuance of the building permit authorizing the construction of the building for which the spaces are required.


Bill Buholzer

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