cover image: D3.3 Biodiversity, biogeography and GOODS classification system under current climate conditions and future IPCC scenarios


D3.3 Biodiversity, biogeography and GOODS classification system under current climate conditions and future IPCC scenarios

13 Jun 2019

The ATLAS project provided an unique opportunity to gather information on the distribution and composition of benthic communities across latitude and longitude in the North Atlantic spanning from the Cape Lookout (CS12) in the west, to Faroe-Shetland Channel (CS2) in the east (76° W to 3° E), and from Greenland (CS10) in the north to the Tropic Seamount (CS13) in the south Atlantic (from about 60°. [...] Habitat suitability models of vulnerable marine ecosystem indicator taxa and commercially important deep-sea fish were developed at the ocean-basin scale and in 9 ATLAS case studies across the North Atlantic (Figure 2); from the Florida-Haterras slopes, Flemish Cap, and Davis Strait in the western Atlantic, to the Icelandic and Azores waters in the central Atlantic, and to the Rockall Bank, Porcup. [...] On the contrary, both in the Porcupine Bank in the Irish shelf and in the Rockall Bank, the ocean-basin scale model significantly over-predict the suitable habitat of L. [...] There are multiples reasons for the inconsistencies between models at different scales including the spatial resolution and quality of the terrain and environmental data, the volume, the quality and the spatial coverage of the occurrence data, the availability of absence records, model selection, 18 ATLAS Deliverable 3.3 assumptions and parametrization, among others (Robinson et al., 2017). [...] The ATLAS project provided an unique opportunity to gather information on the distribution and composition of benthic communities across latitude and longitude in the North Atlantic spanning from the Cape Lookout (CS12) in the west, to Faroe-Shetland Channel (CS2) in the east (76°W to 3°E), and from Greenland (CS10) in the north to the Tropic Seamount (CS13) in the South Atlantic (from about 60° t.


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