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Essays on the Rise of China and Its Implications

26 Apr 2021

Considering the Wilson Center’s Congressional mandate to symbolize and strengthen “the fruitful relation between the world of learning and the world of public affairs,”2 it is therefore imperative that the Center nurture the next gen- eration of American scholarship examining the implications of China’s rise for both the United States and for the rest of the Indo-Pacific. [...] The greatest density of checks archived in the dataset are in the Tian Shan district of the city where the highest proportion of Uyghurs live. [...] Much of the data included in the weekly reports in the Mobil Police System focused directly on the Neighborhood Watch Unit management of the “tar- geted population”—in this case, the adult relatives of detainees and the chil- dren of detainees. [...] Ideology and State Power The attention paid to ideology in the reports indicate a level of acceptance and consent on the part of state workers in the necessity of the reeducation cam- paign. [...] The research of Shae Frydenlund shows that in Malaysia they largely have the effect of marking certain spaces of the city off limits to undocumented refugees.33 In this sense they mimic the effects of surveillance systems in the U.
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