cover image: SOUTHERN AFRICA IN THE COLD WAR, POST-1974 - History and Public Policy Program


SOUTHERN AFRICA IN THE COLD WAR, POST-1974 - History and Public Policy Program

24 Sep 2013

Ever since the outbreak of the Cold War, academic debates on the origins and characteristics of the Cold War have dominated the field of contemporary history. [...] The aim of the overall project with which I’m involved is to explore the complexi- ties of the impact of the Cold War on the southern African region. [...] And the rise of the Soviet Union as a winner in the war meant a serious change in the world power balance, on the one hand, and the emergence of the source of large-scale 6 Southern AfricA in the cold WAr, PoSt-1974 assistance to the freedom fighters. [...] If the mili- tary commander—let’s say in the field, a battalion commander runs into a political problem, he has to go to the Brigade Commander, the Divisional Commander, the Area Commander, to the Chief of the Army, to the Chief of the Defense Force, to the Minister to get an answer on these political problems. [...] Then, at situation when the beginning of January 1975, on the eve of the formation of the transitional government, he (Igor Uvarov) a Soviet journalist (and an officer of the General Staff), Igor Uvarov,12 was sent to Angola as the TASS13 correspondent and stayed there for about two months.14 He had a chance arrived there at the to be present at the ceremony of the launch of the transitional gover.
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