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Occasional Paper Series - The Truth about Health in Morocco: - No Health without Workforce Development!

8 Jun 2020

This Act established two main social on the subject, deals with socio-demographic protection schemes: the basic compulsory health characteristics, differences in the governance of insurance (AMO), introduced in 2005, for employees the public and private healthcare systems, the in the public and private sectors, and the medical education to employment transition and the role assistance scheme for l. [...] Despite this increase, this share remains by the low rate of medical coverage as well as the below the average of the WHO member-countries high price of the technology8; which means that (6.5 Percent) and well below the average of OECD obstacles still exist to accessing health services and countries (8.9 Percent)6 The annual average that families are significantly exposed to financial expenditure. [...] The problem of The health system in Morocco is largely organized absenteeism of medical and paramedical staff was into two sectors - the public sector represented raised in the reports of the court of auditors. [...] paramedical staff providing direct patient care in Morocco is well below the critical threshold In addition to inefficient distribution, an analysis of 4.45 care staff per 1,000 people required by of the current supply of medical and paramedical the SDGs17; which is necessary to achieve the personnel also shows a lack of quantity to cope coverage level needed to meet the indicators set with the in. [...] The use of information and communication Also, some practices essential to the profession and technologies in medicine is a topic of great interest to the safety of the patient are not fully acquired, around the world and not just in Morocco.
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