cover image: Re-assessing Early Sikh Migration Histories on Turtle Island: An Anti-colonial and Critical Solidarity Perspective


Re-assessing Early Sikh Migration Histories on Turtle Island: An Anti-colonial and Critical Solidarity Perspective

16 Feb 2022

To oppose the gaps in histories and bind them as per truth-telling process, Simpson (2017) further emphasizes the significance of the act of refusal and challenging the legitimacy of the state. [...] According to historians and academics, the first of the Sikh migrants arrived in Canada during the winter of 1903-1904, encouraged by agents of the Canadian Pacific Railway in Hong Kong. [...] 7KHDERYHLQWHUURJDWLRQFDQEHLQLWLDWHGE\³ORRNLQJDWLQWHUDFWLRQVZKHUHWKHµPLGGOHPDQ¶ of the Crown is moved from the foreground to the background of DQDO\VLV´%KDWLD3J The role of the crown and state may also be challenged and eradicated when imagining people RIFRORXU¶VUROHLQDELGLQJE\WUHDW\UHODWLRQVKLSVZLWK,QGLJHQRXV1DWLRQV6HKGHY7KH role of racialized settlers in treaty agreements has not been taken into. [...] The declaration includes the rights to control, benefit and ownership of the lands and resources, within the FDUHWDNHUDUHDRI;HQL*ZHW¶LQ. [...] The four image major themes highlighted below include, the process of learning and unlearning, a deeper inquiry into the concept of multiculturalism, the significance of Sikh spirituality, and the power of affirming community.



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