cover image: Perspectives on the Politics of Borders and Belonging


Perspectives on the Politics of Borders and Belonging

21 Sep 2017

The contributing authors offer fresh perspectives on traditional ques- tions in international relations and comparative politics related to the viii Forward tension between the processes of globalization and integration that seemed unstoppable at the turn of the millennium and the resurgence of protectionist and nationalist reflexes that have accompanied the ascent of populist politics in the Unit. [...] The review of the panel entitled “Nationalisms and Identities in Can- ada (Merolli) calls attention to the ways in which race is often ignored in Canadian nationalism, as well as the emotional or affective labour caught up in the production of belonging to the Canadian state. [...] Themes inter- woven throughout this volume include the movement of borders and the movement of people, the role of the state in maintaining borders and creating belonging or fostering exclusion, identities and borders as always contested and constructed, belonging as political and affec- tive, Canadian belonging as racialized and rooted in colonialism, and The Politics of Borders and Belonging: An. [...] Rather than throwing out the concept of the nation-state, the framework of borders and belonging demands that scholars, policy makers, and citizens alike stay attuned to the interactions between artificial lines in the sand, the affective politics required to build senses of belonging within lines, and the politics of resistance between and among borders. [...] Beyond these media discourses that “mediate the imagination” of the Canadian national community (Haque 2010), the second part of Viscardis’s presentation focused on the white settler’s construction of himself as the cartographer of the Canadian territory.
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