cover image: Annexes – VNR reports reviewed and methodology


Annexes – VNR reports reviewed and methodology

17 Feb 2022

Secondary literature gives special attention to the spirit of the 2030 was used in a limited number of instances to show Agenda through, for example, the examination of the consistency between the analysis in the review and principles of the 2030 Agenda. [...] No additional research made to the framework in 2020 to reflect the global was conducted to verify the accuracy and confirm the COVID-19 pandemic, and this was done with efforts validity of the information governments included in to ensure ongoing comparability in the series. [...] Not articulated in the VNR report Nationalization of Does the VNR report indicate that the National priorities selected the SDG agenda at country has identified national priorities country within the context of the SDGs? No national priorities selected Provide direct text from the VNR report if longer than National priorities List the national priorities identified 200 words, provide a summary. [...] Not articulated in the VNR report Yes; Indicate whether the report states that the national targets and indicators are aligned to the global targets and indicators and/or if the country has developed proxy indicators for the global indicators. [...] Not articulated in the VNR report Whether the report refers to technology in the Provide direct text from the VNR report or if discussion of the means of implementation longer than 200 words, provide a summary.
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