cover image: BUZZWORDS on food labels Chemicals in cosmetics The best cereals


BUZZWORDS on food labels Chemicals in cosmetics The best cereals

29 Oct 2021

heatwaves in the Northwest, hurricanes in SUBSCRIBER SERVICES“We, as editors of health journals, call for The cost of a one-year subscription or gift the South, drought in the West—this sum- governments and other leaders to act, mark- (10 issues) is $24; two years are $42. [...] weight when researchers The researchers “wanted to gave them drinks sweetened know: does a person’s weight with sugar but not sucralose or sex impact the ef cacy of for 12 weeks.2 sucralose? In other words, And it’s no surprise that does sucralose help a person women ate more from the lose weight?” said News- buffet on the day they got week, which went on to the sucralose drink. [...] Sucralose is an What’s more, the women arti cial sweetener.) consumed fewer calories on the days they got the sucralose drink The results: Two hours later, when the participants were offered than on the days they got water. [...] Unless you look above plain low-fat Greek yogurt has replace starchy and refi ned carbs like white rice or white po- the Nutrition Facts on the back of the the same protein...with half the tatoes. [...] As long as sugar and palm oil, not its companies don’t name a disease or condition, they can “Greek yogurt powder.” That make claims about how a food affects the structure or helps explain why ¼ cup of function of the body with little oversight by the Food and the mix packs 18 grams (4½ teaspoons) of added sugar.
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