cover image: MAC-Facts-and-Figures-ENG_Final-Wb


9 Mar 2022

the public policies and regulations that govern 8 THE STATE OF CANADA’S MINING INDUSTRY | FACTS & FIGURES 2021 SECTION 1 Mining and the Canadian Economy The social mobility limitations essential to – compared to its counterparts in other jurisdictions combatting the COVID-19 pandemic – and the and other industrial sectors within Canada – has associated economic and supply-chain constraints rebound. [...] The World Bank has measures the volume of goods and services modelled and forecast the increase in mineral and produced, an increase in its value is a sign of a metal production required to produce the volume healthy economy while a decline indicates that the of clean technology needed to achieve stated Paris economy is not functioning to its full capacity. [...] Increases and decreases in for the production of both in 2008 accounting for production values correlate to the increases and 15.9% and 13.3% of global production respectively decreases in metal, non-metal and coal prices over – having fallen in 2019 to sixth for both nickel (at the course of the year. [...] Noting the level of uncertainty experienced in the industry FINANCING due to COVID-19, and the volatility of commodity Canada is the leading global centre for mining prices, the relative continuity of equity activities finance. [...] However, the locations do illustrate the prime The financial health of the mineral exploration sector areas of mining interest, and the broad international can be measured by spending on exploration and reach of the exchange.

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